Thursday, March 8, 2007

session 3

I was able to make a poster for my wall from chap 6. I am really happy to put it up and I hope the kids will grasp the idea of a "peer learner'

Today we went over the evaluation part of the process. I am a believer in working backwards.....just like eating dinner for breakfast. I agree with making self-assessments for the kids and making them accountable. I have had kids write the rubrics before. This was effective for the kids that beleive in a challenge and therefore challenging themselves.

I LOVE the rubric makers...these will be used often. I am from a standard based world and I wish I would have these earlier.

Thanks Again!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Burns said...

Isn't it surprising to you how few teachers know about these great, FREE, online rubric makers? It is to me. I'm glad you find them useful. It sounds like you are connecting with the Big6 process and finding applications in your classroom. Great! That's our goal.
Thanks for your enthusiastic participation.
See you on Monday,