Monday, April 23, 2007

session 11

Thank you again for a great class. I really liked the format that others had presented Big 6 projects.

I really like publisher and I have used it in the past. I would use it for myself, although my students have laptops that do not have that particular program.

Is there anything on the laptop that resembles that program?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

session 10

I am a bookmarker.......I was not until I had the laptop. I always figured that I could remember my faves. When it comes to lessons, I love to bookmark. The site is cool and it will be an effective collaborative tool.

Thanks again for time on the project! It has been beneficial for me to collaborate with my peers. I look forward to next week....I hope our project is acceptable. I am currently teaching these lessons and I am having a great time with it. I feel that teaching for the unit a second time and to be aware of the process has been a benefit to me and my students!

Thanks Again!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Session 9

I have been working with powerpoint for a while. The good news is it is still in use and not obsolete.
I continue to work with different ways to offer synthesis for a project. I find that the more choices the happier the kids are with that, but it is a lot of work. I find I am working harder than they are and it is a little frustrating. I guess that is just my role. What should the finish product look like??
Thanks for all your advice and help with my questions.

Monday, April 2, 2007

session 8

Thank you... I had fear as a kid trying to make bibliographies!! My teachers made sure everything was correct and you lost points if they were not. I am really glad that I show my kids a new way to this. today's class, the kids asked if their brain was a source. I find that they really do not see the big picture. They had to have gotten their info from somewhere??? Somehow. I have also seen me listed as a source. I did not realize that I was published.
I also appreciate the time to work on the project.

Thanks and see you next week!